Update November 2014 - Now Inviting Participants to be Part of Voyage To Betterment Group Too
First we assembled an original group of Ten to document and film the benefits
Next hundreds experienced the benefits in Voyage to Betterment workshops
Now, we will assemble a group of up to 1000 to be part of Voyage to Betterment Group Too
Why are we assembling a Voyage To Betterment Group Too?
One of the most common comments we received from people around the world, after introducing Voyage to Betterment in 2009 was "I wish I could have been part of the Voyage to Betterment Group." Your wish is our command, and so we worked tirelessly to find a way that anyone around the world can now be part of the Voyage to Betterment Group Too.
What are the benefits of being part of Voyage to Betterment Group Too?
We documented with before and after blood tests that the original Voyage to Betterment Group was able to dramatically reduce their estimated risk of developing serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease by up to 50%. As a bonus, we documented that this young and healthy group of individuals, was able to look better, feel better and grew up to 8 years biologically younger in only 30 days. The group also experienced mind bending miracles too hard to believe, so we caught in film for everyone to see. What the original Voyage to Betterment Group experienced is just the tip of the iceberg. Voyage to Betterment Group Too participants will receive so much more. For more on the benefits visit:
What do the participants in the Voyage to Betterment Group Too Receive?
1. The Voyage to Betterment Unprogram for Wellness Online Class.
To preview the class go to: www.udemy.com/voyagetobetterment then enter the password Betterment
2. Coaching direct from Voyage to Betterment creator, Andrew Facca
3. Access to Andrew's network of highly evolved, reputable and effective healers and medical intuitives
4. Before and After Assessments
Why is participating in Voyage to Betterment Group Too, priceless?
That is what so many people that have been exposed to this body of work have told us. They advised that this work is priceless and the best thing they ever did, and they encouraged us to keep doing it and keep helping others.
"Best thing I ever did for myself" Barbara Zimmerman
"needs to be shared with every human on planet earth" Bridget Power
"I just cannot believe how much of an impact this makes on every day life! Mariette Renaud
"I feel like there is nothing I can't do now" Tammy Palazzi
"OMG what a difference just 12 days of living a different way" Sheri Baldwin
"Amazing & Life Changing" Dawn Lingard
"I was moved, touched and inspired" Mary Jane Stewart
"Best thing I ever did in my life" Alice Wynnyk
What is so different about the Voyage to Betterment?
The focus of modern medicine is in treating the symptoms of 3000 diseases. This has some benefit but overall treating symptoms is not a good approach to treat or prevent illness. Voyage to Betterment focuses on only one thing, continuously improving our entire constitution of body mind and spirit. In this way, as we learn to maximize our levels of immunity, wellbeing and quality of life, "all" undesirable illnesses and conditions are quickly or progressively dramatically improved or eliminated. We have been proving that this is a far better approach for years and now we will document it with a group of up to 1000 people who will collectively form The Voyage to Betterment Group Too. Hence with all due respect to the immense value of all educations, if maximizing immunity and optimizing wellbeing is a goal the Voyage to Betterment education approach is more valuable than even a ten year $300,000 med school education.
"Should be taught to all medical students" Dr Sam Yoshida, MD
How do I get started?
Simple, fill out the form below or contact us.
We will then contact you to provide you with the link to get started and answer any questions you may have.