Proven Results |
Voyage to Betterment, The Body Mind Spirit Challenge and World Class Manufacturing
In 1994 Andrew Facca employed about 100 employees in his factories in Mexico and began implementing World Class Manufacturing protocols including the two main principles of Preventive Maintenance and Continuous Improvement. Engineers in Mexico at the time abided by the principle "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Implementing preventive maintenance and continuous improvement principles into a company back then was a major leap forward.
By 1996 it became apparent that even progressive engineers and manufacturers that began implementing World Class manufacturing protocols including extensive preventive maintenance to ensure their machines did not break down, did not treat their body with the same respect. When it came to their own body, engineers maintained the old dictum that if it ain't broke don't fix it. To this end, manufacturers that developed comprehensive preventive maintenance systems for machinery did not do the same for their most valuable asset, their employees. There was no protocol to follow.
The reality is that most people maintain a wide variety of illnesses and injuries and nearly everyone is stressed. The American Medical Association confirms that stress is the number 1 silent killer. So companies and health care systems continue to fork out over a trillion a dollars a year in health care funding which is in essence a completely inefficient use of resources. Hence, in 1996, it became apparent that the development of a preventive maintenance and continuous improvement system for human beings would be of great service to family, friends, employees and the community at large. Andrew devoted himself to the development of such a system which took over 13 years, as human beings are far more complex than a machine. It required extensive research and the time to experience everything first hand in order to become the work.
The work led him to the door of his mentor Dr David R Hawkins MD. Hawkins was an intellectual genius and was arguably one of the most enlightened intellectuals who ever lived. His work to further levels of consciousness is unmatched, has been lauded by captains of industry as well as spiritual leaders of every religion, translated into every major language and has influenced millions throughout the world.
In 2009, this body of work was revealed to the public in the release of the film Voyage to Betterment. The film follows the holistic journey of a group of regular people and shows that even the young and healthy have considerable room for continuous improvement when our entire constitution of body mind and spirit is considered. It was necessary to create a film, so that people could see benefits with their own eyes. The film is best comprehended with an accompanying introduction or lecture to provide the overall context of the work as there were events captured on film for the first time in history. With input from world renowned doctors Neal Barnard, T Colin Campbell and David R Hawkins MD, the film received rave reviews and international recognition stunning and inspiring audiences everywhere. Yoga Magazine called the film Illuminating and Fascinating and Bryce Wylde, a regular featured expert on the Dr Oz show, called the film a Must See Next Generation Film of Applied Enlightenment.
After the film screened over 150 times in theatres, schools, community centers and churches throughout North America, the Body Mind Spirit Challenge was introduced in 2013. The Voyage to Betterment Body Mind Spirit Challenge was developed to summarize the critical points of the work in a system that could easily be applied so that anyone could experience a significant improvement to their level of health, happiness and integrity in as little as 30 days. Over 400 individuals participated in the Body Mind Spirit Challenge, with results that continue to surpass participant expectations.
Humans are comprised of body, mind and spirit and any protocol that fails to take all three components into consideration in appropriate proportion, will lack considerable scope and effectiveness. To this day corporate efforts to improve the well being of employees is comparable to attempts to put out forest fires with squirt guns. Even the most progressive wellness programs are merely scratching the surface of potential. This is evidenced in the workplace and society by the reality that 99% of health care costs are reactive in nature, and that that rates of stress, anxiety, illness and health care costs are continuously increasing. With so much time, energy and costs associated with attempting to put out fires with reactive care, few corporations will even take the time to understand the benefit of ensure the workplace provides an opportunity to improve our appreciation and joy for life.
The scope and effectiveness of the work is completely unique and can't be compared to any wellness program that exists. It is the only comprehesive preventive maintenance and continuous improvement program designed for humans. It has been proven repeatedly to concurrenlty lift levels of health, happiness and integrity. It is the only work proven to eliminate or significantly reduce stress and anxiety by addressing its source. It is the only body of work that provides a protocol for continuous improvement to our very last day of life. All the work has been done, so that all anyone has to do is follow the protocol. It is proven effective and so extremely cost efficient that everyone can afford to implement it.
The Voyage to Betterment Wellness Class introduced in 2014 is the evolution of the proven work, refined and assembled in an online class so that anyone anywhere can now benefit from the work on their own schedule.
Voyage to Betterment Corporate Wellness Class
To get started we simply recommend employers test it out on a small sample of employees so that they can experience and monitor the improvement for themselves. Employers that wish to test its effectiveness, can use our exclusive before and after assessments to quantify the benefits to health, happiness and Integrity levels or create any before and after integrity assessment of their choosing. Simply contact us and we will do the utmost to be of service.
By 1996 it became apparent that even progressive engineers and manufacturers that began implementing World Class manufacturing protocols including extensive preventive maintenance to ensure their machines did not break down, did not treat their body with the same respect. When it came to their own body, engineers maintained the old dictum that if it ain't broke don't fix it. To this end, manufacturers that developed comprehensive preventive maintenance systems for machinery did not do the same for their most valuable asset, their employees. There was no protocol to follow.
The reality is that most people maintain a wide variety of illnesses and injuries and nearly everyone is stressed. The American Medical Association confirms that stress is the number 1 silent killer. So companies and health care systems continue to fork out over a trillion a dollars a year in health care funding which is in essence a completely inefficient use of resources. Hence, in 1996, it became apparent that the development of a preventive maintenance and continuous improvement system for human beings would be of great service to family, friends, employees and the community at large. Andrew devoted himself to the development of such a system which took over 13 years, as human beings are far more complex than a machine. It required extensive research and the time to experience everything first hand in order to become the work.
The work led him to the door of his mentor Dr David R Hawkins MD. Hawkins was an intellectual genius and was arguably one of the most enlightened intellectuals who ever lived. His work to further levels of consciousness is unmatched, has been lauded by captains of industry as well as spiritual leaders of every religion, translated into every major language and has influenced millions throughout the world.
In 2009, this body of work was revealed to the public in the release of the film Voyage to Betterment. The film follows the holistic journey of a group of regular people and shows that even the young and healthy have considerable room for continuous improvement when our entire constitution of body mind and spirit is considered. It was necessary to create a film, so that people could see benefits with their own eyes. The film is best comprehended with an accompanying introduction or lecture to provide the overall context of the work as there were events captured on film for the first time in history. With input from world renowned doctors Neal Barnard, T Colin Campbell and David R Hawkins MD, the film received rave reviews and international recognition stunning and inspiring audiences everywhere. Yoga Magazine called the film Illuminating and Fascinating and Bryce Wylde, a regular featured expert on the Dr Oz show, called the film a Must See Next Generation Film of Applied Enlightenment.
After the film screened over 150 times in theatres, schools, community centers and churches throughout North America, the Body Mind Spirit Challenge was introduced in 2013. The Voyage to Betterment Body Mind Spirit Challenge was developed to summarize the critical points of the work in a system that could easily be applied so that anyone could experience a significant improvement to their level of health, happiness and integrity in as little as 30 days. Over 400 individuals participated in the Body Mind Spirit Challenge, with results that continue to surpass participant expectations.
Humans are comprised of body, mind and spirit and any protocol that fails to take all three components into consideration in appropriate proportion, will lack considerable scope and effectiveness. To this day corporate efforts to improve the well being of employees is comparable to attempts to put out forest fires with squirt guns. Even the most progressive wellness programs are merely scratching the surface of potential. This is evidenced in the workplace and society by the reality that 99% of health care costs are reactive in nature, and that that rates of stress, anxiety, illness and health care costs are continuously increasing. With so much time, energy and costs associated with attempting to put out fires with reactive care, few corporations will even take the time to understand the benefit of ensure the workplace provides an opportunity to improve our appreciation and joy for life.
The scope and effectiveness of the work is completely unique and can't be compared to any wellness program that exists. It is the only comprehesive preventive maintenance and continuous improvement program designed for humans. It has been proven repeatedly to concurrenlty lift levels of health, happiness and integrity. It is the only work proven to eliminate or significantly reduce stress and anxiety by addressing its source. It is the only body of work that provides a protocol for continuous improvement to our very last day of life. All the work has been done, so that all anyone has to do is follow the protocol. It is proven effective and so extremely cost efficient that everyone can afford to implement it.
The Voyage to Betterment Wellness Class introduced in 2014 is the evolution of the proven work, refined and assembled in an online class so that anyone anywhere can now benefit from the work on their own schedule.
Voyage to Betterment Corporate Wellness Class
To get started we simply recommend employers test it out on a small sample of employees so that they can experience and monitor the improvement for themselves. Employers that wish to test its effectiveness, can use our exclusive before and after assessments to quantify the benefits to health, happiness and Integrity levels or create any before and after integrity assessment of their choosing. Simply contact us and we will do the utmost to be of service.